# Frequently Asked Questions
### My dump doesn't migrate. _This assumes a running setup._
1. Enter into database container: ```sh docker exec \ --interactive \ --username=nano \ --tty kemono-db psql \ kemonodb ```
2. Check the contents of the  `posts`  table. ```sql SELECT * FROM posts; ``` _Most likely it has  `0`  rows._
3. Move contents of  `booru_posts`  ➞  `posts` ```sql INSERT INTO posts SELECT * FROM booru_posts ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; ```
4. Restart the archiver. ```sh docker restart kemono-archiver ``` If you see a bunch of log entries from  `kemono-db` ,
then this indicates that the archiver is doing it's job.
5. In case the frontend still doesn't show
the artists / posts, clear the redis cache. ```sh docker exec \ kemono-redis \ redis-cli \ FLUSHALL ```

### How do I git modules? _This assumes you haven't cloned the repository recursively._
1. Initiate the submodules ```sh git submodule init git submodule update \ --recursive \ --init ```
2. Switch to the archiver folder and
add your fork to the remotes list. ```sh cd archiver git remote add ```
3. Now you can interact with Kitsune repo the same
way you do as if it was outside of project folder.

### How do I import from db dump?
1. Retrieve a database dump.
2. Run the following in the folder of said dump. ```sh cat db-filename.dump \ | gunzip \ | docker exec \ --interactive kemono-db psql \ --username=nano kemonodb ```
3. Restart the archiver to trigger migrations. ```sh docker restart kemono-archiver ```
If that didn't start the migrations, refer
to  [`My Dump Doesn't Migrate`]  section.

### How do I put files into nginx container?
1. Retrieve the files in required folder structure.
2. Copy them into nginx image. ```sh docker \ cp ./ kemono-nginx:/storage ```
3. Add required permissions to that folder. ```sh docker \ exec kemono-nginx \ chown --recursive \ nginx /storage ```
[`My Dump Doesn't Migrate`]: #my-dump-doesnt-migrate